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As an assignment for a shape-focused course, getting every visual detail right was the real challenge.

Being given the liberty to design to our own preferences was an interesting part of this task and required that we thought about what we think makes good design.

After tinkering with the overall style of the product, my main concern went to the ease of use and safety when handling the knife.

Pocket Knife

Oct.-Dec. 2016 - Kortrijk - Belgium
Design for: Howest

Textures are very important to me, they are the touch and feel of a product. That’s why I always indicate materials and surface finishes, even in the very first sketches.

Because textures play an important role in this project, I decided to use black stained wood for the handle, and sandblasted stainless steel for the blade.

The edge of the blade is polished, to make sure the knife communicates it’s sharpness very clearly.

The black in the handle and grey in the blade and pins contrast nicely, and indicate two different moving parts.


A slot in the handle makes sure the path the pin must follow to lock the blade in place before use is very obvious.

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